waaaaaaaa :(
no more snow :(
Im back from NY..and already missing the white covering of heavenly glittery-ness!!!
no more snow :(
Im back from NY..and already missing the white covering of heavenly glittery-ness!!!
It was almost strange to get up this morning..and see green grass..crystal blue skies.. and a bright glowing yellow thing in the sky! lol
ahhhhh... trying to get back into the swing of things.. first things first...LAUNDRY (oh joy)..and finishing orders to be sent out today :)
While I was making tags this morning..I decided to make extra's of this image..i just love it! The dark background..and the old fashioned santa and kids.. too sweet :)
So...Im offering these for sale...
So...Im offering these for sale...
a Set of 4 small Tags for $6.50..
and that includes shipping to anywhere in the USA :)

Sandy, we still have some snow here I could bundle up and send you...and there's probably more coming!!! Glad you had a good time in NY and a safe trip home...isn't coming home to do laundry the pits!?!
Your tags are so cute!!!
Hey There,
Thanks SO much for your lovely post on my blog tonight! :)
Sending wishes for more snow your way!!
Chris :)
welcome back!!! and seriously...if you can think of ANY way for me to send you my cold weather and snow...i am SO doing it...and you can send me your sun and warm weather!!!
those are CUUUUTE tags!!!
Glad you arrived back home safely and I think you brought the colder weather home with you as it is quite cloudy this morning...could we perhaps see snow again?
Still no word to me on the alumni game but I will let you know if I hear anything, some of the boys from last year have been coming to practices, let TJ know if he wants to kick the bal around. Also we have home games on the 14th, 18th, and 20th if you miss watching high school soccer, LOL!
Take care!
Sandy, I bet some of those tags WERE MINE :D:D, I can't wait to get them ...thanks for them, and glad you are home safe, and I can send ya some snow if ya want some (and a kitten too, haha)...got lots of each over here!! hugs, robin
You're Home! We have snow to share, from Ohio.. want me to wrap that up?! ;)
Hey Sam...so glad you made it home safely! We missed ya! I'm glad you got to enjoy some of the white stuff too! Nana Lori and I definitely have some to spare...in fact, it's snowing again right now! Brrrrrrrrrrrr!
Welcome home!
So glad you got a chance to head home for a visit AND you got to see some SNOW! :)
Your tags are adorable!!!
I came HOME to SNOW ... I hope it sticks around for Christmas. :)
Adorable tags Sami! So glad that you got your wish for snow while you were home. =o) It's those little things in life that make us smile and bring back memories so dear.
Luv ya!
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